Has There Ever Been a Perfect Bracket During March Madness?

Loyola Chicago was one of the most memorably bracket-busters in recent memory.
(AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)

No, there has never been a perfect bracket in the history of the modern NCAA Tournament. In fact, no one has really ever been remotely close.

Odds of a Perfect March Madness Bracket

According to the NCAA, a random person with no knowledge of basketball has about a 1-in-9-quintillion chance โ€“ thatโ€™s 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 โ€“ to complete a perfect bracket.ย 

If youโ€™re a real college hoops fan, those odds improve dramatically, as you can eliminate many of the silliest possible upset candidates. (Sorry, No. 16 seeds, but your Final Four odds are not great.)

Still, even a college basketball odds expert has a mere 1-in-120-billion chance to get every single pick right.

So, no, there has likely never been a perfect bracket.

At least โ€ฆ we think. I mean, itโ€™s impossible to know for sure if some random, unknown savant nailed all 63 games and then never told anyone. But as far as anyone knows, the perfect bracket remains theoretically possible but never achieved.

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About the Author

Chase Kiddy

Read More @chaseakiddy

Chase Kiddy is a writer for BetMGM and co-host of The Lion's Edge, an NFL and college football podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and everywhere else. He has also written for a number of print and online outlets, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Washington Post, Daily News-Record, and HERO Sports. His first novel, Cave Paintings, is in development.

Chase Kiddy is a writer for BetMGM and co-host of The Lion's Edge, an NFL and college football podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and everywhere else. He has also written for a number of print and online outlets, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Washington Post, Daily News-Record, and HERO Sports. His first novel, Cave Paintings, is in development.